Jun 072012
Published June 7, 2012

AKFIN has developed a database table that includes all commercial fishing vessels that fished in both Alaska and on the West Coast between 1999 and 2011. This table has non-summarized metrics on catch, gear, area, delivery condition, disposition, product types, and revenues for catcher processors and catcher vessels that delivered to motherships and shoreside processors in Alaska and on the West Coast.

May 212012
Published May 21, 2012

The AKFIN Gross Earnings Workgroup will be meeting Tuesday May 22nd at 9:00 AM Alaska time. The purpose of the workgroup is to investigate and document the different methods used to calculate gross earnings and when possible develop standardized approaches to calculate and report revenue. The group is comprised of economists, data stewards, and database programmers. This will be the fourth meeting since the groups first meeting in 2010.

Apr 252012
Published April 25, 2012

The 2011 fisheries database tables from the State of Alaska are available to authorized AKFIN users:

  • Comprehensive_Encoar_Prod

  • Comprehensive_Encoar_Buy

  • Comprehensive_FT

  • The 2011 Encoar_Prod and Encoar_Buy data are preliminary at this time.