


AKFIN maintains an extensive data library that includes sources from both state and federal fisheries agencies. Included here are documentation on some of AKFIN’s maintained data sources and value-added products.

Comprehensive Datasets
The comprehensive datasets are taken from various fisheries management databases, combining and standardizing historic sources, and enhancing them with variables from the other datasets such as wholesale prices, vessel characteristics and processor characteristics. These are consolidated, historic versions of many source agencies transactional information.

User Guides in Adobe .pdf format

UserGuide Comprehensive Blend CA – A consolidated data source that combines the NMFS Alaska Region’s Groundfish sources from the Blend and Catch Accounting Systems Primary Report tables. Available 1991-present.

UserGuide Comprehensive PSC – A consolidated data source that combines the NMFS Alaska Regions’s Prohibited Species Catch sources from the Blend and Catch Accounting Systems PSC tables. Available 1991-present.

UserGuide Comprehensive Nontarget – Other non-target species from the NMFS Alaska Region’s Catch Accounting System Non-target source. Available 2003-present.

UserGuide Comprehensive WPR – A consolidated data source that combines the NMFS Alaska Regions Vessel Weekly Production Report sources. Available 1992-present.


UserGuide Comprehensive SPR – A consolidated data source that combines the NMFS Alaska Regions Shoreside Production Report sources and provides pricing/. Available 2000-present.

UserGuide Comprehensive OBS – A combination of of the NORPAC observer Haul and Species Composition tables, sourced by NORPAC but enhanced and provided by NMFS Alaska Region. Available 1998-present.

UserGuide_Comprehensive_FT – An enhancement of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game fish tickets sourced through the Commercial Fisheries Entries Commission that includes gross earnings data. Available 1991-present.

UserGuide Comprehensive ENCOAR – An enhancement of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commercial Operator’s Annual Operator’s Reports. This includes the processor buying and production sources. Available 1984-present.

Data Dictionary in MS Excel format

All Comprehensive Variables – This MS Excel document includes all fields available in AKFIN’s comprehensive data sources along with their associated metadata.

AKFIN Value-Added Products

AKFIN maintains several processes that provide value-added information to our base source agency data, many of these are incorporated into the Comprehensive Datasets or are used in AKFIN’s reporting. The files are in MS Word format.

Processor Code Cross Reference – A process that determines translations of the ITO Code to Federal Fisheries or Processor Permit and vice versa.

Fish Ticket Exclusion Flag Determination – A process that determines which catcher/processors should be excluded from the groundfish tickets during consolidated reporting to avoid double-counting on merge to the NMFS AKR Blend/Catch Accounting Systems.

Fish Ticket Predominant Species Determination (Targeting) – A process to determine the predominant species on a fish ticket/stat area basis.