Jan 072013
Published January 7, 2013

AKFIN has been working with social scientists from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) to develop a reporting dashboard in AKFIN Answers (Oracle Business Intelligence reporting tool) to support the Community Profiles for North Pacific Fisheries – Alaska, a NOAA technical memorandum scheduled for publication in early 2013.  The AKFIN Answers reporting dashboard is supported by a specially designed database repository that contains hundreds of census, commercial, recreational, and subsistence metrics calculated by year and Alaskan community for 2000-2010.


More recently, these AKFIN Answers data exports were used to source an online mapping application that spatially represents commercial fishing activity by Alaskan community.  These interactive maps show such statistics as landings by port, residency of state and federal permit holders, and vessel ownership to name a few. 

  • The AFSC Alaska Community Profiles mapping application is available here

  • In addition to summarizing commercial data, AFSC programmers are working to include a subset of the subsistence and recreational statistics reported in the profiles, to be released at a later date.