Jan 182013
Published January 18, 2013

AKFIN recently collaborated with Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) and NMFS Alaska Region staff to report economic performance indicators for five North Pacific catch share programs: IFQ sablefish and halibut, the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Crab Rationalization program, AFA pollock, Central Gulf of Alaska rockfish, and Amendment 80 non-pollock trawl catcher/processors. Results will be published later this year in a NMFS Office of Science and Technology report.

This reporting is part of a nationwide effort implemented in 2011 by NMFS to monitor the overall performance of fisheries using standardized economic indicators. Current metrics for annual reporting describe catch and harvest, fishing effort, and revenue, with development of additional metrics for fishery productivity underway. AKFIN staff are currently working on expanding this reporting to non-catch share fisheries, including the Alaska weathervane scallop, BSAI freezer-longliner Pacific cod, and GOA non-Rockfish Program rockfish fisheries. Subsequent work will include development of analytical datasets to support routine annual reporting of these performance metrics.